EOHS Services
The Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (EOHS) provides a wide range of services to accomplish its mission of providing a safe environment for the pursuit of academic, research and community endeavors.
The navigation menu on the left side of this page will allow you to obtain more detailed information on various safety issued handled by EOHS.
A brief synopsis of some of our services is provided hereafter to help guide you in selecting the information and services that best meet your needs.
In the area of chemical safety, EOHS provides access to SDS, hazardous materials inventory, hazardous waste inventory and removal, regulatory issues, lab safety, as well as the acquisition, use and disposal of any and all hazardous and non-hazardous materials.
In the area of safety relating to ionizing radiation, the ¹ú²úÂ×Àí Radiation Safety Office provides services and oversight necessary to meet the regulations and requirements set forth in the licenses and registrations that ¹ú²úÂ×Àí maintains through governmental regulatory authorities.
In the area of biohazard safety, EOHS provides services and assistance in the areas of infectious waste (sharps), bloodborne pathogens, waste disposal, safety training and regulatory compliance.
Fire Protection
In the area of fire safety, EOHS provides services and assistance in the areas of fire protection (detection and suppression), training, fire safety practices at work and at home, and regulatory compliance.
General Safety
In the area of general safety, EOHS provides services and assistance in the areas of workplace safety (OSHA), vehicle safety, EMS services, ADA compliance, construction/renovation safety, as well as any other safety issues that may arise.
Emergency Management
In the area of emergency management, EOHS provides services and assistance in the areas of emergency preparedness and planning, prevention, mitigation, response, recovery, and emergency notification (outdoor warning system).